Novels | A Look Into Editio Publishing — A New Publishing House Officially Releasing K-Novels in English

Novels | A Look Into Editio Publishing — A New Publishing House Officially Releasing K-Novels in English

Hello my BAYOG luvlies~ It’s Minty, BAYOG’s resident manhwa/webtoon and webnovel trash~ It’s been a while since I’ve done an actual post because I’ve been crazy busy with class and work. Still, I wanted to share a recent discovery! This is especially for my friends who are fellow webnovel fans!

Apparently, there’s a fairly new publishing house called Editio Publishing! They’ve already got a couple of K-novel titles in their catalogue too, including [The Tyrant’s Etiquette Tutor] (폭군에게 예의를 가르칩니다, unofficially known as “Teaching the Tyrant Manners”)! Honestly, that’s how I found out about them. I was scrolling on Twitter and saw a post with the novel cover. I was like “Wait! Hold on! The title is in English! Wait! It’s licensed now??!” I remember seeing the manhwa promo oneshot for it ages ago, like when the pandemic first started. And I’ve been wanting to read it ever since. So finding out that this was now officially in English, I immediately jumped it.

When you have a bad day, read a good series and eat some truffles~ Self-care! TREAT YO’ SELF!!!

It was like a couple of days before my birthday too. So I was like, “HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO MEEEEE~” It was also perfect timing because I needed something to read on the plane haha. But yeah, a review post for that will be coming on the blog sometime in the future, hopefully soon (when my ass isn’t getting kicked from class).

But anyway, this discovery made me incredibly curious about this new US-based publishing house behind the official English version. Especially because they seem to be new. I’m always happy for more opportunities for K-novels, and Asian literature, to be shared and more widely available in English. It’s always great news to find more platforms to legally read and support the series and authors too! Especially when the work put into it is of great quality too. So I definitely wanted to do this post to talk about them and share the news with my friends who are fellow novel fans and probably unaware of the news~

But anyway, being the curious person that I am, I also felt the need to do some research and get to know more about this new publishing house. Especially because I was honestly super impressed with the quality of The Tyrant’s Etiquette Tutor. So I did find and follow their social media, and I went on their [official website] as well. What I found out is that they were founded in 2021, but I guess that they went public/official back in July 2022.

Because our catalog is curated with this purpose in mind, readers can rest assured that any book they dive into is:

Feminist in its approach: We do not publish fiction in which toxic behaviour is glorified, or main leads are passive in their own fate.

Ethically sourced and produced: All of our novels are authorized, high-quality translations, and any localization or adaptation decisions are shared with the source publisher.

-Editio Publishing

Now the thing that immediately caught my attention on their site is what they had under “Our Brand” and “Our Culture”. Specifically, “Feminist in its approach: We do not publish fiction in which toxic behaviour is glorified, or main leads are passive in their own fate.” I absolutely love this. You all know I love my manhwa, webtoons, novels, manga, etc. But you also know that I absolutely hate the glorification of toxic behavior. I can’t with toxic red flag male leads and their problematic behavior. It drives me crazy that we’re supposed to just be okay with it, not raise any questions, and still support them. That’s a no-no for me y’all. I also absolutely am not a huge fan of passive main leads. I prefer leads who are smart, witty, and proactive over a weak lead who cries over everything and is constantly relying on others and luck. So I’m really, really happy to see that there’s a publishing company that sees the same issues I do.

Like I was reading all this and was like, “This is EXACTLY the kind shit I’m here for!!!”

1. Mission

Editio Publishing celebrates—and makes accessible—empowering, unsung fiction for women from around the world.

2. Vision

We’re on a mission to bring compelling fiction for women from around the globe to the Anglosphere through authorized, high quality works-in-translation.

3. Values

Our book catalogue is deeply feminist in nature because we believe that good fiction does not need to be problematic. Additionally, our translations are legally authorized, and any localization or adaptation decisions are shared with the source publisher.

-Editio Publishing

It also just definitely means more novels that will be right up my alley. I just find them so much more fun and interesting to read. Like I still read just about anything, even if it has some things I’m not a fan of. Unless it’s just a flaming dumpster fire of red flags and nonsensical logic… those are the series I’ll absolutely dump and never touch again. But anyway, I’ll still read them, but I’m not as overly invested in reading. For those series, I still might feel kinda bored and annoyed with certain things, but I keep reading to kill time. Like I still find them fun and somewhat interesting, but it’s kind of more of a shallow interest? It’s like I “like” them, but I don’t exactly “love” them. However, I get incredibly invested in a series that promotes green flags, wholesome traits and interactions, as well as strong, proactive, and logical main characters. I also love seeing female characters become empowered, go through an actual journey of growth, and overcome everything. So far I’ve only read The Tyrant’s Etiquette Tutor from Editio. Although, I have purchased or preordered 1-2 of their other series. But I was definitely super into The Tyrant’s Etiquette Tutor. It was exactly what I was into and approved of. Honestly, this will probably make so much more sense when I do a more detailed review of the novel. But anyway, if that’s what I’m to expect from Editio’s other releases, then I am totally for it! If you can’t wait for my review post, you can check out the [first 4 chapters] for free on their website as well. So I definitely am a huge fan of their feminist mindset for their catalogue. I absolutely love their Mission, Vision, and Values! It’s something I can definitely support wholeheartedly. Honestly, it makes me like them and want to support them even more. It’s such a positive take and so I’m definitely super excited to see what they have in store for us in the future.

At the moment, they seem to have 4 different series in their catalogue:

  • The Tyrant’s Etiquette Tutor
  • The Villainess is the Heroine’s Biggest Fan
  • Ten Ways to Get Dumped by a Tyrant
  • More Than You Know

Although it seems that they definitely plan on expanding it. All the series are now available, except for More Than You Know. I believe More Than You Know will be released in December. You can also get a bit of a preview of these series by checking out the first couple of chapters that have been made available on [Editio’s blog] on their site. The genres Editio has also pretty much includes romance, drama, slice of life, adventure, and isekai. Also, while their current catalogue features Korean novels, it does seem like they plan on including novels from various Asian countries like Japan, South Korea, the Philippines, China, and India. Of course, the series they’re looking to publish are ones that feature strong female leads. YES! We definitely stan that! So far, I myself have bought or pre-ordered 3 out of the four titles they have for Amazon Kindle: The Tyrant’s Etiquette Tutor, Ten Ways to Get Dumped by a Tyrant, and More Than You Know. Although I am planning on purchasing The Villainess is the Heroine’s Biggest Fan soon~

But anyway, there are various ways you can get their series! First off, they do have their own shop where you can directly buy their series. It’s also their direct reading platform as well! You can check that out [here]. Other than that, you can also find their series on Amazon Kindle, Barnes & Noble, Apple iBooks, and kobo. Although I was also told that they do plan on releasing print books soon as well! Super excited for that! Also, this is a super minor thing…but I just love how well the English titles look on the covers! It matches so well with the cover and just makes it look super professional. Like I love some of the other English publishers, but there are times where I find the titles look so awkward on the cover. Like the font looks weird and doesn’t mesh well with the cover’s overall aesthetic. Sometimes they just look awkwardly slapped on. But Editio has done a good job so far~ It’s a minor thing, but screams “QUALITY!!!” to me~

You can guys can check out Editio Publishing on their [official website], [Twitter], [Instagram], and [Facebook]! Send them some love and support!~ Also, full disclaimer: I have recently been messaging back and forth with them through Instagram. They seemed super chill and they left a great impression. They were also really sweet to offer to send me a package of goodies later. I was honestly super surprised and incredibly grateful. However, that has nothing to do with my post and has no effect on it. As always, my posts are always based on my own honest opinions and feelings on things. I genuinely was already impressed with them before that interaction, as you can tell from my recent postings on my social media these days. I thought the quality of their work was so professional and absolutely amazing; From the cover, the translation, the editing, and the overall aesthetic inside and outside of the book. So I honestly had already planned on writing this post and my future review post even before my interaction with Editio Publishing haha~ Again, I just like sharing and honestly talking about the things I love~ I’d say that since the growing interest in Korean webtoons during the start of the pandemic, interest in Korean novels have definitely grown as well. There aren’t that many official English publishers that have a focus on Korean and other Asian novels. I think so far we have our friends over at [WordExcerpt], [Yen Press]/[Ize Press] (Ize Press being under Yen Press and focusing on Korean content), [Meteor Strike Media] (which I believe has now been acquired by the same company that acquired WordExcerpt), [Webnovel] (although some of those aren’t always official…) as well as novels on webtoon platforms like [Tapas], [Tappytoon], and [Manta]. Oh, and of course Webtoon’s recently launched webnovel app [Yonder]. And again, I think it’s great that these novels are now becoming more easily and legally accessible!~ So I’m happy that there’s another team doing that, and I’m always happy to share that. Especially one with such positive feminist values! Also, I do really love and appreciate small publishers. So I’m honestly incredibly interested in seeing Editio Publishing’s journey and growth~

I’m off to be back under my rock to do class shit now~

Anyway, that’s it from me for now~ Be sure to check out the titles from Editio Publishing~ Let me know which ones you find interesting! Also, share some of your favorite novel recommendations!~ I’m hoping to put my recommendation and current reading list up sometime in the future. Again, when I’m not getting my ass kicked from work and classes. Until next time friends!~ Take care, stay safe, and have a lovely day!~

LET’S BE FRIENDS!~ (つ✧ω✧)つ

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Fangirl all the things!~

Hihi! I’m Minty! I’m Thai-American~ เป็นคนไทยค่ะ~ ยินดีที่ได้รู้จักนะคะ~
I’m BAYOG’s Real People Stuffs expert, K-Novel and Manhwa trash queen, and boba addict. I’ve been a part of the BAYOG Crew since 2017~ I fangirl and like to rant blog about music, live-action movies/dramas, manga/manhwa/webtoons, novels, and anything else I’m interested in~ When I’m not blogging, I’m usually writing/singing Thai-English covers~ When I’m not doing that, I’m usually translating/subbing a Thai drama on Viki~

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3 Replies to “Novels | A Look Into Editio Publishing — A New Publishing House Officially Releasing K-Novels in English”

  1. This looks awesome~ I’m going to get a copy of tyrant’s etiquette tutor. Excited to see what else Editio puts out, I have them bookmarked now.

    1. I hope you enjoy it!~ I definitely recommend checking out what Editio has~ I know they’ve added a few more titles in the works too~ 🙂

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